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PHP Referenz

PHP Referenz

Access Restriction to wiki

No anonymous view/edit/create. No self registration Registered users have full right to view/edit/create pages.

Add the following lines in LocalSettings.php after this line: require_once( "includes/DefaultSettings.php" ); Result of the configuration will be: users cannot create their own account and cannot read/edit documents without logging in to the system.

$wgGroupPermissions[’*’ ][’createaccount’] = false; $wgGroupPermissions[’*’ ][’edit’] = false; $wgWhitelistRead = array( "Special:Userlogin" ); $wgGroupPermissions[’*’ ][’read’] = false; To allow browsing only from particular ip address (e.g. office lan only) insert the following lines to .htaccess file:

<Limit GET POST> order deny,allow deny from all allow from "Office LAN IP" </Limit> Rewrite Rules to have nice urls (Eliminating index.php from url). e.g.

There are many ways to achieve this. I did it with .htaccess file:

mediawiki was installed in the document root directory (using the installer) set $wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1"; in LocalSettings.php put a .htaccess file with the following content in the dir for

  1. not actually needed but probably a good idea anyway

php_flag register_globals off

  1. first, enable the processing - Unless your ISP has it enabled
  2. already. That might cause weird errors.

RewriteEngine on

  1. do the rewrite

RewriteRule ^wiki/?(.*)$ /index.php?title=$1 [L,QSA] 4. Make sure Apache loads the rewrite modules

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ Default Global Timezone

File Uploads

File uploads are disabled by default so enable it in LocalSettings.php by:

$wgEnableUploads = true;

Time zone adjust

If you want to set the default timezone offset according to local timezone and handle daylight savings time automatically, you can do this ugly trick: $wgLocaltimezone="Europe/Berlin"; $oldtz = getenv("TZ"); putenv("TZ=$wgLocaltimezone"); $wgLocalTZoffset = date("Z") / 3600; putenv("TZ=$oldtz"); Actually, resetting it probably isn't necessary, I think that's leftover from before we switched to the proper time functions. This should do (untested): $wgLocaltimezone="Europe/Berlin"; putenv("TZ=$wgLocaltimezone"); $wgLocalTZoffset = date("Z") / 3600; For that matter if your server is already in the local timezone you want, this might work: $wgLocalTZoffset = date("Z") / 3600;